Optimization Approach to robust vibration control;Heath monitoring of railway structures with guided waves
1、 题目:Optimization Approach to robust vibration control;Heath monitoring of railway structures with guided waves
报告人:Marko Jokic;
Zhenyu Huang
时间:2013年10月14日 下午15:00—17:00
2、 报告人简介:
Dr. Marko Jokic, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia.Professional Memberships:International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science;Croatian Society of Mechanics.Finalist for the ECCOMAS Award for the best PhD Theses in 2009 on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering.
Dr. Zhenyu Huang has been at theSchoolofElectronic Informationand Electrical Engineering since 2000 after leaving theSchoolofMechanical Engineering,ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversitywhere he graduated in 1997 and received his MSc in Electromechanical Engineering in 2000. He has four year PhD studies from 2004 to2007 intheInstituteofSoundand Vibration Research (ISVR),University of Southampton,UK. And now he is an associate Professor of vibration and engineering acoustics. Dr. Huang has a wide-range of interests in vibration and engineering acoustics including the vibrations of ground, water and air vehicle, active and passive control of sound and vibration, energy harvesting and some electromechanical engineering applications. Additionally he has been a consultant for several companies and research institutes, advising on vibration and acoustic analysis, testing methods, control measures and design.